Morris Multivis Engine Oil ADT VX 5W-30Morris Multivis Engine Oil ADT VX 5W-30

Morris Multivis Engine Oil ADT VX 5W-30

Our Ref No : 38993 £8.99 Inc VAT
More From Morris Lubricants
Morris Multivis Engine Oil ADT VX 5W-30
Synthetic technology advanced lubricant, designed for use in the latest engines, including those fitted with exhaust gas after-treatment devices.

• Increased engine efficiency.
• Outstanding fuel economy.
• Provides extended oil drain capability.
• Rapid cold start flow that reduces noise and wear.
• Increased film strength at high temperatures under all driving conditions.
• High temperature deposit and anti-sludge control.
• Low levels of volatility.

Recommended for the latest petrol and diesel engines, including turbo-charged versions and those fitted with exhaust gas after-treatment devices such as particulate filters, catalytic converters, exhaust gas re-circulation, etc
Morris Multivis Engine Oil ADT VX 5W-30
Performance Levels:
VW 504.00/507.00 ACEA C3 Porsche C30 MB 229.51 BMW Longlife-04 API SN