Morris Ultra Life Red Antifreeze

Morris Ultra Life Red Antifreeze

Our Ref No : 12247 £4.49 Inc VAT
More From Morris Lubricants
Morris Ultra Life Red Antifreeze
• Will protect all suitable engines from frost damage right down to -40oC (at 50% of total coolant volume).
• Provides outstanding protection against rust and corrosion for all parts of the cooling system and is therefore recommended for all year round use.
• This Ethylene Glycol based antifreeze, which uses Organic Acid technology, is free from nitrites, amines, phosphates, borates and silicates.
• When used at the correct concentration coolants based on Organic Acid Inhibitor • Technology are capable of providing extended operation compared to conventional antifreeze.
• This can be for up to 5 years or 250,000km in passenger cars and 500,000km in commercial vehicles, depending which is reached first.
• Suitable for the cooling systems of modern engines in cars, vans, trucks and contractors plant, where an OAT antifreeze is recommended.