Uniwire Stock Fencing.
• Lightweight Mild Steel
L5/60/15 is a lightweight stock fence. It is designed to be used below a hedge to stop stock from moving through, or on top of a wall to stop stock moving over. It can also be used as a low height stand alone fence.
• Mild steel stock fence does not need to be strained as tight as high tensile products. This means it is particularly useful if you have lots of turns in your fence as gradual turns can be made off intermediate posts.
Line wires: 5
Distance between vertical wires: 15cm
Height: 60cm
Top and bottom line wires: 2.5mm - 695-850 N/mm2
Intermediate line wires: 2.0mm - 695-850 N/mm2
Vertical wires: 2.0mm - 415-550 N/mm2
Weight of 50m roll: 12.1kg