Volac Calf Volostrum 450g SachetVolac Calf Volostrum 450g SachetVolac Calf Volostrum 450g Sachet

Volac Calf Volostrum 450g Sachet

Our Ref No : 14732 £19.36 Zero VAT
Volac Calf Volostrum.

A natural alternative to cow colostrum.
Volostrum is a high quality natural alternative to colostrum and is recommended for use when an adequate supply of good quality maternal colostrum is unavailable.

Volostrum's guaranteed high specification makes it ideally suited as a first feed for the young calf.

Volostrum contains a consistently high level of protein and energy.

Volostrum provides 450g of nutrients in one feed, giving the calf energy and protein it needs for a good start in life.

Sucessfully tried and tested by farmers for over 20 years.

1 x 450g sachet.
Protein 76%, Oil 8%, Ash 3%, Lactose 8%, Moisture 5%.
Volac Calf Volostrum 450g Sachet